<![CDATA[ALGADDAFI.ORG - Al Gaddafi Speaks]]>Wed, 03 Jul 2024 19:59:55 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Biological Weapons]]>Tue, 29 Nov 2022 23:02:06 GMThttp://algaddafi.org/al-gaddafi-speaks/biological-weaponsPictureGaddafi - Biological Weapons
*** 21.08.2002 - ​Thanks to the information revolution, the monopoly on knowledge has been broken. Science knows no limits in its fast spread. The capabilities of computers have increased ten billion fold in half a century. Those capabilities are doubling every year and a half.
Genetic engineering made it possible to control the genes of viruses and to manufacture new germs that do not respond to any treatment as was the case of the creation of the AIDS virus.

This is a double-edged sword. It enables humanity to find new ways to combat germs and viruses. It could also be used for sinister purposes. The matter needs a serious pause to reflect upon it deeply.

Germ and biological weapons are the most horrendous, dastardly and destructive type of weapons. Their use by a state would be a catastrophe. The consequences of such weapons falling in the hands of irresponsible individuals would be unthinkable. Those weapons are particularly lethal because they are invisible, inaudible and odorless. Their means of delivery are practically every thing on Earth; animals, insects, plants, people, air, liquids and all the tools and implements that are used, touched and worn by people in their daily life.

In view of the extreme gravity of this matter, it must be dealt with in a dispassionate and objective way free from political agendas and ulterior motives. Therefore, the world must agree on entrusting this task to the World Health Organization. WHO must be empowered to supervise and inspect all facilities devoted to this vital industry. In this way alone, people will be reassured that this scientific knowledge is not being used against their interests and safety by irresponsible parties. There is a need to ensure that this vitally important industry does not deviate from its worthy objectives. There must not be any exceptions from the inspection and supervision regime. Exceptions, discrimination and selectivity will lead to angry and furious reactions. 
<![CDATA[International Investments and Oil Supplies are in Danger]]>Tue, 29 Nov 2022 22:02:23 GMThttp://algaddafi.org/al-gaddafi-speaks/international-investments-and-oil-supplies-are-in-dangerPictureGaddafi - Oil Supplies are in Danger
*** 15.03.2008 - American policy is extremely dangerous to both America and the world. It is a policy of bringing down the temple on everyone’s head, including its own. Enacting American laws with the purpose of harming others will harm America as well. It is a double-edged sword for obscure American courts to hand down sentences in absentia.

Those sentences, passed in the presence of corrupt lawyers, aim only at confiscating the money of others. The lawyers are accomplices whose goal is to share the spoils. This sword could turn against America.

International investments have become extremely weary. It is a known fact that “capital is cautious”. Investments will shrink. 

Liquidity will dry up. The use of the US dollar will be avoided to reduce risks of rate of exchange fluctuations. Oil supplies that could be impounded due to those sentences passed by American courts might grind to a halt. In order to avert the danger of America’s expropriation of their money, states will not allow their assets to leave their jurisdiction. Otherwise, they might be in danger of having those court sentences applied to them.

A practical example of this is what Libya did during the Lockerbie problem. It withdrew its money from the markets of America and its allies. It brought that money back for fear it might be expropriated. 

The American oil companies withdrew after sustaining losses. If the new American law is applied or those court sentences were enforced, it might do so once again. Iran, Venezuela and other countries may do the same thing and withdraw their investments from foreign banks and other enterprises. They might decide to stop oil supplies and stop using the US dollar. 

America, the proponent of this policy, will be the loser. American oil companies might be nationalized, expelled or have their assets expropriated. They could be replaced by Chinese companies. In this case also America will be the loser. This is more likely to happen if this misguided policy continues to surge forward and to be used as a pretext to seize investments outside America. 

This will only lead countries with foreign investments to bring back their investments to their local markets. In that way they will be able to keep them as assets unless America reconsiders its destructive policy.
<![CDATA[Provoking Russia]]>Tue, 29 Nov 2022 21:29:39 GMThttp://algaddafi.org/al-gaddafi-speaks/provoking-russiaPictureProvoking Russia
27.12.2008 - Every European Eastward expansionist move had Russia as its target. All Western powers moved their armies in Russia’s direction.
At the beginning of the 19th century, Napoleon invaded many European countries in his quest to reach Russia’s rich resources of coal, iron ore, oil, gas and gold. In World War II, Hitler followed suit, directing his vast armies towards Russia.

Nowadays, NATO is following in the footsteps of Napoleon and Hitler to reach Russia. NATO wishes to exploit the vacuum that resulted from the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

The West declared victory in the Cold War against the Eastern Block under the leadership of the USSR.
It considered the Soviet defeat and disintegration an historic achievement.
After bringing most of the ex-Socialist countries, adjacent to Russia, into its membership, it has been striving to include the ex-Soviet republics from Central Asia to the Black Sea and the Baltic in order to fully surround Russia.
Russia saw this move as an act of dangerous provocation as it aimed to encircle it from all directions.
This is indeed the case.

The implosion and disintegration of Yugoslavia provided the missing link in NATO’s chain surrounding Russia.
However history, both distant and recent, abounds with proof that Russia is not a power that can easily be besieged, broken, or defeated.
Russia possesses the largest nuclear stockpile in the world numbering around 16,000 warheads. Those can be launched from land silos, submarines and strategic bombers that Russia alone possesses. The nuclear trio of ICBMs, strategic bombers and nuclear submarines makes up for any deficit in Russia’s military capability in terms of training, mobilization or logistics.

Proceeding from the keen interest we take in world peace, we call for the avoidance of any new adventures that, unlike the case with the two World Wars, might cause the destruction or even the annihilation of humanity.
The provocation of Russia and attempts to encircle it threaten with a new and unnecessary all-out nuclear conflagration.
The threat is all the more real in view of the fact that America has based its positions in many cases on fabricated information, naïve analyses and shortsighted and self-serving opinions.

When the West enthusiastically supported the independence of Kosovo, did it expect ripple effects to reach Abkhazia and South Ossetia leading them to call for independence?
Was it aware that the analyses that led to America’s dilemma in Iraq were based on fabricated and unconfirmed intelligence provided, in the hope of gaining favor with the CIA, by agents who fled their country?
The continued existence and expansion of NATO, after the disintegration of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, can have only one motive; occupying Russia then the rest of the world.

Like all countries in the world, America has the right to defend itself. Its distant geographic location between the Atlantic Ocean in the East, the Pacific in the West, the Arctic Ocean in the North and its weak neighbors to the south who cannot pose any threat to its security, all enable it to be a safe haven for immigrants and refugees away from the conflicts and ambitions of the continents of the Old World.
It is a universal power.
All peoples of the world have contributed to its formation and prosperity. With a return to this tradition, it will be worthy of hosting the UN and its Security Council.
However, it is a major threat for world peace, security and stability for America to continue to be, as it is today, a party to every act of aggression that takes place in the world.

America must return to the Monroe Doctrine, advocated by President James Monroe in 1823, which states that “The United States would not interfere with problems in Europe, and that European powers were no longer to or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent states of the Americas”.
It must enlarge the Doctrine to encompass non-interference in the affairs of the whole world.
Europe is entitled to become an independent and unified political economic and military entity. It is entitled to become a new pole in international politics.
Russia, as both a historical and emerging power, must be left free to develop its political, economic and military strength for the purposes of self-defense.
United Europe, if it is not linked to distant America, can act as a strategic buffer between Russia and America.
The Atlantic Ocean could also act as a buffer between Europe and America. Europe should continue to benefit from Russia’s abundant oil and gas supplies.

Russia, rather than the American continent, is the natural demographic partner of Europe.

If Europe were to be guided by a logical assessment of its own interests, rather than by racial motives or by a continuation of the fait accompli that resulted from the American occupation of Europe after World War II, it would establish friendly ties with Russia.
Stupidity and greed are going to drag humanity into a new catastrophe.
There will be no one left to reap the profits of that war which is going to be a war among parties that possess lethal and destructive nuclear weapons.

The world would be well advised to heed my warning that Russia is not the USSR.
The USSR was a vast, multi-national empire. It imposed itself upon many ancient nations. It was based on an ideological doctrine that the peoples of the USSR did not believe in. Actually, the leaders of the Kremlin themselves did not believe in that ideology.
By contrast, Russia now is not defending a philosophical belief or a political and economic ideology. It is defending the Russian nation itself. When the Marxist ideology of the USSR met its end, the Soviet peoples did not die with it. They continued to exist.
They even celebrated the fall of the USSR and its ideology.
What is at stake now is the very existence of the Russian nation.
It cannot be allowed to fall for that would mean the demise of the life, freedom and existence of the nation. Death would be preferable to such an eventuality.
The situation must not be misjudged.

The lessons learnt from the confrontation with the USSR must be taken fully into account. Failure to do so is tantamount to suicide.
It would be destructive for certain powers to repeat the maneuvers of the past against Russia today.
The imperialist policies followed in years past against the USSR would be devastating if used against today’s Russia.
<![CDATA[China..America..The inevitable Confrontation]]>Mon, 28 Nov 2022 23:53:30 GMThttp://algaddafi.org/al-gaddafi-speaks/chinaamericathe-inevitable-confrontationPictureChina - America
06.03.2010 - I dealt with the problem of the Ukraine in view of its impact on international peace. It is for the same reason that I deal with the problem of China and America. 
Mine is a small country that is concerned for international peace, therefore I try to the extent possible to make a contribution to the maintenance of international peace and security.

A direct confrontation between major powers is harmful to all. However, regardless of the efforts of peace-loving leaders, the Sino-American problem cannot be solved. 

I find it very alarming to have to say to the world that the Sino-American problem does not lend itself to mediation or solution. It is an inevitable and unavoidable problem. All that is happening now is the preparation for direct confrontation or attempts to postpone it. But it is unavoidable. America would like it to be an indirect confrontation. China would like to postpone it as much as possible. 

However, it is in the nature of things for the two sides to find themselves moving inexorably towards confrontation. However, the current rapprochements and the occasional skirmishes are simple tactics to postpone confrontation, gain time or move towards indirect confrontation as preferred by America. The world and peace-loving leaders must not be hoodwinked by the side shows and maneuvers such as trade and customs disputes, market dumping and the pressures on China to increase consumption or to raise the exchange rate of its currency or attempts to use environmental degradation as a pretext to slow down China’s progress.

The fact is China is a very dangerous world competitor. It is much more dangerous to the US than the USSR used to be in the past. The USSR depended on ideology to defeat America politically. In addition, it depended on its arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. Ideology is a philosophical matter and a matter of faith. It depends on its adherents. The moment the leadership changed in the erstwhile “leftist” countries, the policies shifted from left to right. Even some of the leftists themselves moved to the right.

China is a different kind of competitor. It is a rising economic power and America is unable to stop it. It has an unprecedented human wealth. In addition, it is a nuclear-weapon state and a permanent member of the Security Council. Everywhere in the world, China is making economic, human and political inroads. Unlike America which unwisely has chosen the harsh military approach, China is making those inroads using soft power. America continues its brazen interference in the internal affairs of states in the name of democracy and human rights. Africom is a case in point. Such interference is no longer acceptable. America itself is condemned in the field of human rights. It makes a habit of taking losers as allies.

Those who do not know the facts believe that the current crisis of the arms deal with Taiwan is a passing crisis. Nothing could be farther from reality. America is aware of the danger China poses. It knows that the next international confrontation will be with China. The new pssolicy adopted by America is one of creating regional deterrents to China in order to make their confrontation an indirect one. The strategic US policy aims at keeping China busy with those regional deterrents so as to avert a direct confrontation with China. 

Those deterrents are India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and maybe Viet Nam as well!! The most important among them are Taiwan, India and Japan. America’s objective is to keep China busy with those regional deterrents so as to avert a direct confrontation with it. It is a well-known fact that the US used China in the past as a regional deterrent against the USSR when Maoism broke away from Soviet Marxism-Leninism. Pitting Russia and China against each other was America’s biggest gain. America wishes to see that kind of gain continue in the future. It is the strategic equivalent of having a Euro-American confrontation. That would be a major gain for Russia and China. Therefore, America will not cease to arm Taiwan against China, nor will it cease to support India against China.

In accordance with the policy of creating regional deterrents against China, it is in America’s interest to see Japan become a major military power. This is happening now. The limitations placed on Japan after World War II no longer serve the interests of America in the face of the real danger or in its unavoidable confrontation with the Yellow Giant.
<![CDATA[Escape to Hell]]>Sat, 01 Jan 2005 07:00:00 GMThttp://algaddafi.org/al-gaddafi-speaks/escape-to-hellOther Books by Muammar Al Gaddafi
The Escape to Hell
How cruel people can be when they flare up together! What a crushing flood that has no mercy for anyone in its way! It does not heed one's cry or lend one a hand when one is in dire need of help. On the contrary, it flings one about heedlessly.
The individual's tyranny is the easiest kind of tyranny. He is only one among many, who can get rid of him when they wish. He could even be liquidated somehow by somebody unimportant. But the tyranny of the masses is the cruellest kind of tyranny.
Who can stand against the crushing current and the blind engulfing power?!. How I love the liberated masses on the march! They are unfettered, with no master, singing and merry after their terrible ordeals! On the other hand how I fear and apprehend them ! I love the masses as much as I love my father. Similarly, I fear them no less than I fear him. In a Bedouin society, where no government system exists, who can deter a father from persecuting any of his children? Yes. How much they love him, and how much they fear him at the same time! That is how I love and fear the masses. Exactly as I love and fear my father. How loving the masses can be when they are happily excited! They carry their favourite sons high on their shoulders.
They carried Hannibal, Barclay, Savonarola, Danton, Ropespierre, Mussolini and Nixon! But how cruel they can be when they are angrily excited! They plotted against Hannibal by poisoning him. They burnt Savonarola at the stake; they brought their hero, Danton, to the guillotine; they smashed the jaws of Robespierre, the beloved fiance, they dragged Mussolini's carcass along the streets of Milan, and they spat at Nixon's face as he was forced to leave the White House, where they had ushered him in ceremoniously before.
What terror! Who can talk the unfeeling entity into consciousness?! Who can argue with a mass mind not embodied in one individual? Who can hold the hand of the millions?! Who can comprehend a million words pouring out of million mouths at the same time ?! Who can talk sensibly to whom in this terrifying excitement ?! Who blames whom ?!. With this social flame burning your back, and a society that loves you but has no mercy for you, and people who know what they want from this individual but pay no attention to what the individual wants, they assert their rights but overlook their duties towards you; with the same masses who poisoned Hannibal, burnt Savonarola, smashed Robespierre; who adored you but failed to reserve a seat for you at a cinema house, a table in a coffee-shop ... they love you, but they do not show their love to you in any tangible way, such as a seat or a table at a coffee-house. This is what the masses have done to such individuals.

So, what can I hope for, a poor Bedouin, lost in a mad modern city, whose people bombard me with their demands whenever they get hold of me? have a house built for us better than this one ... Get us better telephone service !... Have a road built for us in the sea! ... Make public parks for us! ... Catch enough fish for us! ... Write out amulets for us ... Make wedding contracts for us! ... Get that stray dog out of our way! Buy a cat for us !!! They ask that much of a confused poor Bedouin, who hasn't got even a birth certificate ... who carries his walking stick on his shoulder, who does not stop at the red light, nor does he flinch when he gets into an argument with a policeman. He does not clean his hands when he eats. He would kick off anything that hampered his movements even if it landed on a shop window, hit a hag on the face, or broke the window panes of a smart white house. He has never tasted alcohol or even Pepsi Cola or Soda water ...You see him looking for a camel in the Martyrs Square, a horse in the Green Square, or driving his sheep through the Tree Square. These masses, who have no mercy even for their saviours, seem to follow me everywhere, burning me ... even when they applaud, they seem to prick me ... I, being an illiterate Bedouin, do not know about house painting or the meaning of sewage disposal.
I use my hands to drink rain water and well water, and use my cloak to filter out the tadpoles. I do not know how to swim, neither breaststroke nor backstroke. I do not understand the concept of money, yet people ask me for it. As a matter of fact, I do not possess it; I only snatched it from the hands of thieves, from the mouths of mice and from the fangs of dogs and gave it out to the townsmen under the name of a benefactor from the desert and in my capacity as a liberator from bondage and fetters.
What has been stolen and misused by guilty hands (one of them being a comrade of the cave dwellers and the rates) needs a long time and the effort of many a man to put right, but the inhabitants of the mad modern city ask me for it right away. I felt I was the only one who had nothing, and so, unlike them, I did not ask for the service of a plumber, builder, painter, barber ...etc. And since I had not requested anything because I had nothing, I became well known, or rather an odd man out.

That is what bothered me and still does almost every hour. But I must admit that I am to blame as well. I did myself a great wrong when I stole Moses staff with which I struck the desert where a spring gushed forth, because, as I have already mentioned, I do not know sewerage, plumbing or narrow water mains, and hoped that this spring would relieve me of all such demands, and the root cause of them. Even my defiance of the policeman caused such sensation in all quarters of the city, where my name became popular: some applauded me, and others called me bad names. The police wanted to get rid of me. The mother of the policeman with whom I had a row, rejuvenated, took a fancy to me. When I refused her advances, she tried to get me into trouble. The police would even set their silly dogs at me ... and yet I encouraged them to go in for seafood by learning how to fish, so that they might leave me with my sheep alone in peace.

I am a simple poor man, I have no degree and I do not like physicians simply because they are called doctors. That is why I have not been inoculated against sensitivity. So I grew up to be very sensitive unlike townsmen, who have been regularly immunized for a long time at historic intervals beginning with the Romans, then the Turks and finally the Amelicans. Much to your amusement as you read this, you see I do not pronounce the word " Americans " with an (R) as you do, I use (L) instead because I do not know the meaning of " America". As far as I know, it was discovered by an Arab prince and not Columbus. But then, it has great power, it has agents; it has bases in places under its influence, and it has the right of veto, which it willingly uses for the benefit of Israel. It has recently acquired a house at the head of the Delta, where the River Nile splits into the Rosetta branch and the Damietta branch. There is a buffalo farm surrounding the house. It practises imperialist policies; therefore it is AMELICA. This is what my cousin, Hajji Mejahid said. He is the son of my aunt Azza, daughter of my grandmother Ghanima, who is the sister of Countess Maria.

On the whole, I did myself a disservice when I came to the city out of my free will; there is no need to say why, the thing is: it was a time of challenge, no more. Therefore, please let me tend to my sheep, which I have left in the wadi bed under the care of my mother, who has died recently, and so has my sister. I was told that I had brothers and sisters killed by mosquitoes. So leave me alone with my own anxieties! Why do you follow me and point me out to your children? They, too, harass me now.
They run after me, shouting, " I swear it is him!" Why don't you let me have some rest or, at least, stroll undisturbed in your streets? I am a human being like you, I like apples, so why don't you let me walk about at the market? And by the way, why can't I have a passport? But then, what good is that to me?! I am not allowed to go abroad on holiday or for medical treatment, I can go abroad only when I am on official business. That is why I have decided to hurry away to Hell !. I shall now tell you the story of my escape to Hell, and describe the way leading to it and then describe Hell itself to you and how I came back from there along the same road. Indeed it was an adventure, a very strange factual story, which, I swear, has nothing to do with fiction. As a matter of fact, I have twice escaped to Hell just to get away from you, hoping only to save myself.
Your breath annoys me, invades my privacy, violates my inner life and viciously craves to squeeze me in order to thirstily drink up my essence, lick my sweat and inhale my breath. Then it pauses ... it stops molesting me only to attack again as vigorously as before. Your breath chases me like a rabid dog ... dripping saliva in the streets of your mad modern city.
They chase me wherever I go through cobwebs and esparto paper. So I have decided to hurry away to Hell to save myself. The way to Hell is not what you may expect, or as described to you by the sick imagination of some equivocators. I, having twice walked through it, shall describe it to you. I had some peaceful sleep and rest in the heart of Hell. I have experienced Hell, I tell you; and the two happiest nights of all my life were those two nights I spent in the heart of Hell. That was a thousand times better than living among you. You harass me and deprive me of my right to peace and quiet, and so I had to escape to Hell.

The road along which I merrily walked to Hell is covered with the natural carpet all through the horizon. When the natural carpet gradually came to an end, I found the road carpeted with fine sand. I saw flocks of wild birds of the kinds you know and even found some domestic animals grazing and grooming. But I was astonished to see slopes and areas of lowland before me which made me halt hesitantly and look in the distance. And there was Hell showing up against the horizon. It was not red like fire nor glowing like embers. I stopped not out of fear of approaching it. On the contrary, I adore it and love to be in physical contact with it, because it is my only sanctuary when you harass me in your three-cornered city ... when it appeared to me in the horizon, I nearly went wild with joy. I stopped to contemplate the short cuts to it, and chose the nearest one to its heart, and listened to find out if it had any raging sighs. 

To my delight I found out that Hell was very quiet, quite peaceful and steadfast like the hills surrounding it. A strange kind of silence fills it with a solemn awe-inspiring atmosphere covering it. I saw no flames in it, only clouds of smoke rising above it. I slid along the slopes towards it joyfully in a hurry to reach it before sunset, hoping to secure a warm bed in its heart before I got hemmed in by the guards of your hell, who were pursuing me crazily, using up-to-date means of detection and pursuit. At last I came within range of Hell and was able to see it quite clearly. And now I can describe it to you exactly as I have seen it, and answer any queries concerning Hell, which I came so close to.

Firstly - Hell has craggy, tortuous, dark, mist-capped hills whose stone has been burnt black since time immemorial. I was struck with astonishment to see wild animals on their way to Hell before me. Apparently, they too were deserting you: their life is in Hell; their death among you. Everything around me had melted away except my own self-existence, which I felt stronger than at any other time or place before: The hills broke up and dwarfed away; the trees dried up; and the animals shied off and plunged into the jungles of Hell, seeking sanctuary away from Man. Even the sun seemed to peter out when it was shut off from me by Hell. There was nothing else prominent except Hell, whose heart was the most interesting part of it. So I went headlong towards it without much difficulty. I melted into myself, which in turn melted into me to protect and cuddle each other until we became one new entity for the first time. Not because myself had ever been absent from me, but because your hell gave me no chance to be with it, to contemplate it and to talk lovingly to it. I had always felt that we - I mean myself and I - were like two dangerous criminals in your city, whom you subjected to constant surveillance and interrogation. Even when we were proved innocent and our identity was known, you kept us in prison under special surveillance. Your purpose being to keep me away from myself at any cost so that you might live in peace and quiet. Oh, how sweet hell is ... much sweeter than your city! Why did you drag me back once more ?! I want to return to it ... and wish to live there.

I do not need a passport to go to Hell ... all I need is myself ... myself, which I discovered, you have mercilessly maimed in an attempt to spoil its innocent nature !. You tried to separate me from myself, but by escaping to Hell I have retrieved it from you. I wish for nothing from you, ... I leave you with rubbish and dustbins ... I have also left you my gold helmet in Cairo ... that authoritative helmet which I grabbed from its guardian after I had heard and read so much about it ... and learnt that magic rings (desire-satisfying rings) are made of its gold parts ... and that whoever put it on would become sultan immediately ... and would conspicuously sit on the throne ... and that kings, presidents and princes would have to disappear before him. He would be able to bring the little girl Meitigah to life. He would be able to bring back to life all the martyrs, even Omar Al-Moktar, Saadon, Abdul Salam Abu-Meniar, Al-Jalat and others who died honourably as unknown soldiers ... And that whoever put it on would have about four thousand million Dinars in cash, which he could spend as he wished. On the whole, he would possess the ( Shobeik Lobeik ) ring which would satisfy all desires: Ask for any kind of weaponry from an ordinary gun to a sophisticated missile, and you have it ... call forth even a mirage and it is there at your service, let alone a Mig fighter or whatever you wish ... and you could lock up any Englishman and have Mrs Thatcher suffer a snub. At the same time if you put on this magic helmet you could go to sleep lazily even if you saw with wide open eyes a wolf about to attack your sheep.

So there you are, you could slumber away among the heaps of litter and rubbish of which creative hobby you seem to be deprived as I hear from the Voice of the Arabs. I have also read and heard that this steel ... sorry, I mean magic authoritative helmet was once claimed by Iblis who, bore number 0+1. He laid a claim to it on the pretence that he was an angel, and that Churchill and Truman bore witness to his claim. You were taken in by that lie and fooled by the trick with perdition as the resultant end of your naive conduct until I felt with you in your sorry state of affairs and heard the Friday preacher in your mosques say this prayer, " O, Allah, our sorry state cannot be hidden from you, nor can our helplessness be unclear to you. There is no shelter for us but with you. To you we return. Labbayek! Labbayek!".   > Next Book >